Google - Yahoo - Bing

There are many Search Engines that you can use to find something on the Internet - Google, Yahoo and Bing being the most popular as of 2011. Usually you will not search beyond the first couple of pages of results that appear, unless you are hunting for something very specific. Search engines use different algorithms, therefore they give varying results.

Webmasters use various techniques to get a favorable listing, hopefully on the first page. The design of the first part of the page, title and first paragraph, is most important.Commercial websites frequently pay to get a favorable listing and buy advertising on the search pages. They also try to get top rankings by placing large numbers of pages with similar titles and arranging for cross-linking between them and other similar pages, because most placement algorithms use the numbers of external links as one of the elements.

To test how the three Search engines perform, I ran a series of queries on each of them. The words used in the queries are relevant to various articles on this web-site, in order to test how well places. Note the effect of changing just one word in the three queries about a map of Warsaw or about sailing. Reviewing the results it became evident that Yahoo and Bing use the same algorithm which is somewhat biased toward commercial sites. Although I didn't check with a stop-watch, Yahoo and Bing seemed to be somewhat slower than Google.


Walk in Vienna#5nonenone
budapest day trip#4#8#8
walk in warsawnonenonenone
tour cracow#3 and #5pg2 #1pg2 #2
tour Warsaw#6 and #8nonenone
photos warsaw#3 and #6p2 #4pg2 #4
Warsaw memorials#1 and #2#2 and #5#2 and #5
central poland tour#4 and #5#5 and #10#7 and #11
central europe history #3 and #5#5#5
warsaw map prewarnone#10#10
1939 map warsaw#9 and p2 #6nonenone
warsaw map 1938#1#1 and #5#1 and #5
map salzburg#4p2 #5p2 #5
Caribbean sailing#8 and #10nonenone
caribbean sailing destinations#4#1#1
sailing grenadines#4#1#1
conception island#3#2#2
sailing history#4#5#5
html code foreign characters#7p2 #6pg2 #4
html quick reference#6 and #10p2 #4pg2 #4
special character tables#4#1#1
fighter in Warsaw#3 and #6nonenone
NOTE The indicated position of the pages is after the designated "sponsored" listings. All placements are on the first page of the results, except where p2 shows that listing appeared on the second page. "None" means that no page was listed in the first two pages of results. These results are from test on 6 November 2011. Results will vary from day to day. See results of similar
survey July 2010.

It is surprising that this Web-site gets such excellent placing in the search engines, considering that it is a small personal non-commmercial site. Not a single penny was paid to anyone to get good placing. Clearly the search algorithms like the page design and the subject matter. However, note that "walk in warsaw" gives no results, because none of the several articles about Warsaw on this web-site had the word "walk" in the title or in the first paragraphs!

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