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Family photographs keep memories alive.
Memories of events that will never be repeated, memories of babies and growing children,
When our breathing becomes more labored, our legs and arms are no longer so strong,
we are reminded of the play that we enjoyed in years that seem like yesterday,
But, alas, they will never return!
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Biega family photos
The family is growing. We see Annette with Stan 18 months and Mark 9 weeks in 1952.
Now there is Marjorie. This picture at the zoo was taken in 1957.
The first wedding of a Biega born in Australia was that of Stan and Felicity in 1971
Staszek and Annette before their house in Baulkham Hills in 1972.
In 1972, Staszek and Annette show Philip and Julian the Warragamba Dam, where they first met.
Marjorie, Philip and Julian are ready to go to schoool,
In 1973, Stasz & Annette took Julian & Philip to USA and Europe. Here they are in front of 94 storey Hancock Bldg in Chicago.
The store in 1981 (before the accident) |
The family gathers to greet the American cousins in 1984,
Then Staszek and Liz go sailing with the cousins in the Whitsunday Islands |
An elegant dinner at home in 1985 with Marjorie , Tony and Liz.
In 1986 the family assembles for the wedding of Philip and Karen. |
Mark is now in Canberra, seen here in 1985 with 14 month old son Adam.
Julian and Joanna have twins in 1986. Here they are seen with proud mother and aunt Lili, visiting from America.
The family frequently has a party together. Here they have assembled for a group picture in 1990. All are there except Mark and his family.
A new generation has started. Stan's son Jaimie now has children of his own. Staszek proudly holds his great-grandson on his lap in 2000. |