Bill Biega Family Photos 2002-2006
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We celebrated my 80th birthday in 2002 sailing on Chesapeake Bay -
Eileen and Annette with Raymond, Erik, Jeffrey, Matthew and Troy crewed. You see Jason at the wheel, peering ahead looking for the marker.
Later we rejoined the family at Eileen's home.
This was Lili's 79th. Eileen and Mark are toasting us.
2 years later Erik and Matthew with their mums and Lili on our patio at Hidden Lake.
That year I had been in Warsaw for the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Rising - see photos.
Time marches on -
I am celebrating my 83rd birthday with
some of my grandchildren Erik, Ryan, Monique.
Two more years pass by -
Jason graduated from high school in 2006, seen here with all his family.
Compare Jason with his picture at the top of the page!
Eileen's boys have grown too, seen here with grandmothers Lili and Dana

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You may also see earlier pictures of the Biega family at biegafam.html.

Copyright © 2003-2005 B. C. Biega. These pictures may not be copied or reproduced in any form without specific permisssion.

Last update December 2006